
In order to modify, add, delete or do anything else with the data inside buckets, it is necessary to use the device function.

To setup an device object, you need a token (that you need to get in our website). Be sure to use tokens with the correct write/read previlegies for the current function that you want to use. For example, a token with only read previlegies can’t create, modify or delete anything from a device.


Get all information from the device


  public Boolean status;
  public String message;
  public Object result;
Device device = new Device("7c16da11-2101-4ea3-9568-7249115d73f3");

Result res ="58d5318eabd6a6000e542b95");


Insert a new data into a bucket. You can get more information about what information can be passed with insert in our api documentation


data(object) properties for the new data.
*variable(string): name of the variable. Obrigatory when inserting;
*value(string): a value for the data (optional);
*unit(string): a unit for the data, like ‘km’, or ‘F’. The unit may be showed in some widgets (optional);
*time(string): a time for the data. Default is now;
*serie(string): a serie for the data. Useful for some widgets when grouping with other data;
*location(object/geojson): a location object or geojson containing lat and lang;

  public Boolean status;
  public String message;
  public Object result;
Device device = new Device("8aa46f99-3156-4ebd-a275-fdb75c4dccbf");

final Object loc = new Object() {
    public Double lat = 42.2974279;
    public Double lng = -85.628292;

Object data = new Object() {
    public String variable = "temperature";
    public String unit = "F";
    public String value = "55";
    public String time = "2015-11-03 13:44:33";
    public Object location = loc;

Result res = device.insert(data);


Get a list of data from bucket respecting the query options passed. You can get more information about what information can be passed with .find in our get documentation


filter(object) filter options when retrieving data. (optional)
*variable(string/array): Filter by variable. If none is passed, get the last data (optional);
*query(string): Do a specific query. See the query documentation to know what can be passed. (optional)
*end_date(string): Get data older than a specific date. (optional)
*start_date(string): Get data newer than a specific date. (optional)
*qty(number): Number of data to be retrieved. Default is 15. (optional)

  public Boolean status;
  public String message;
  public Object result;
Device device = new Device("8aa46f99-3156-4ebd-a275-fdb75c4dccbf");

Object filter = new Object(){
    public String variable = "myvar";
    public String query = "last_value";
    public String end_date = "2014-12-25 23:33:22";
    public String start_date = "2014-12-20 23:33:22";

Result res = device.find(filter);


Remove a data from the bucket. It’s possible to remove in three ways: * The last data inserted by the device * The last data inserted by device into a variable * A specific data by it ID

.remove(/variable_or_id/, /qty/)

variable_or_id(string) a variable name or an specific ID. (optional)
qty(number) specify a number of records to be removed. You can pass “all” to remove all records. Default is 1. (optional)
If no parameter is passed, it will automatically remove the last data inserted by this specific device.

  public Boolean status;
  public String message;
  public Object result;
Device device = new Device("8aa46f99-3156-4ebd-a275-fdb75c4dccbf");

Object filter = new Object(){
    public String variable = "myvar";
    public String query = "last_value";
    public String end_date = "2014-12-25 23:33:22";
    public String start_date = "2014-12-20 23:33:22";

Result res = device.remove(null, null);


Device device = new Device("8aa46f99-3156-4ebd-a275-fdb75c4dccbf");

Object filter = new Object(){
    public String variable = "myvar";
    public String query = "last_value";
    public String end_date = "2014-12-25 23:33:22";
    public String start_date = "2014-12-20 23:33:22";

Result res = device.remove("myvar", null);


Device device = new Device("8aa46f99-3156-4ebd-a275-fdb75c4dccbf");

Object filter = new Object(){
    public String variable = "myvar";
    public String query = "last_value";
    public String end_date = "2014-12-25 23:33:22";
    public String start_date = "2014-12-20 23:33:22";

Result res = device.remove("577d81ac7ee399ef1a6e98da", 1);